Disorientation 2016 Event Proposal Application
What is Disorientation? For the past several years, the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) Toronto and other University of Toronto campus organizations have been collaborating on Disorientation, an alternative orientation week that fosters activism, educates and agitates students and community members about social change and works to connect campus and community issues. Disorientation is a week of forums, panels and workshops intended to expose students and community members to critical analysis, insight and research about a range of social and environmental justice campaigns in the city of Toronto and abroad. Disorientation week usually takes place in the third or last week of September, on the University of Toronto downtown campus.
All the content of Disorientation must fit broadly within the commitment OPIRG Toronto has made to working within an antioppression framework. We see the work of Disorientation as providing both the practical tools and political analysis for individuals and organizations to actively confront racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, imperialism, colonialism, patriarchy, transphobia and all intersecting forms of oppression. All Disorientation proposals must fit within this mandate.
Plans are already in motion for this year’s Disorientation, but we also want to know your thoughts and hear your proposals for content for Disorientation! Are you a part of a community organization, campus group or collective of people interested in educating people about a specific campaign or issue? Do you want to organize a panel? Plan a workshop? Let us know and we can see how it fits with this year’s schedule. Please fill out this proposal form in detail. Feel free to email us at opirg.toronto@gmail.com and let us know what you think needs to be included in Disorientation 2016, even if you’re not proposing an event.
Process for Approval:
1) Organization/Person submits completed proposal form by Monday July 11th.
2) The Disorientation committee will review the application and will contact the organization/individual with any questions/concerns/clarifications.
3) Depending on the schedule of the week, the number of proposals and the relevance of the proposed activity to Disorientation and/or the theme of the week, the committee will make a decision and contact the individual/organization.
4) If the proposal is approved, the organization/applicant will be asked to appoint one contact person working on the event to be in correspondence with the Disorientation committee.
* There are a limited number of events during Disorientation week.