DisOrientation 2022: **POSTPONED** 2 Part Activist Workshop Series!
DisOrientation 2022 is on!!! Please join us MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH for Part 1 of our online Activist Training series:
Take to the Streets: Protests and Police Intervension in so-called Canada
This workshop is aimed at folks who are new or a refresher for those with some experience attending demonstrations and direct actions.

Take To the Streets: Protests & Police Intervention in so-called Canada
Monday September 19th, 6-9pm
EVENT PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/events/918662199090991
This workshop is aimed at folks who are new or a refresher for those with some experience attending demonstrations and direct actions
Hosted by OPIRG Toronto & Tools for Change as part of DisOrientation 2022
Designed & Facilitated by Rachelle Friesen, Community Peacemaker Team https://cpt.org/
Full Info: CPT has brought together our collective experience to create a three-hour online training on protests and police intervention. This training is highly interactive for the participants. In this workshop, we share our knowledge, tips, and tactics and then lead the group through exercises to create strategies to be carried into the streets as we work together towards justice.
Topics that are covered and what you can expect to learn:
De-escalation: learning and practicing various de-escalation skills and help discerning if it is appropriate to attempt to de-escalate different situations.
Participating in a protest: Tips on preparing yourself for various protest scenarios that may arise. We will also cover protest anatomy, affinity groups, and common organizing structures.
Police, Military, and other violent presence: Interacting with police and military, responding to state violence, preparing for arrest, and counter-protesters.
Self Care: how to take care of yourself during and after this hard work.
COST: Workshops are offered on a sliding scale of $20, $30 and $50 and scholarships are available to ensure that nobody is turned away due to lack of funds.
***This event is FREE /by donation for-
students from University of Toronto, York University, George Brown College and OCAD University as well as staff and active volunteers of our community partners.
TO REGISTER & communicate any accessibility needs email Katie at coordinatoropirgto – at – gmail -com
Marshal and De-esclation Skills
POSTPONED please check back for updated date!
EVENT PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/events/2375247832616391
This workshop is aimed at folks with some experience attending demonstrations and direct actions who are interested in taking on the role of Marshal
Hosted by OPIRG Toronto & Tools for Change as part of DisOrientation 2022
Designed & Facilitated by Rachelle Friesen, Community Peacemaker Team https://cpt.org/
Full Info: Who keeps us safe? We keep us safe! Actions, rallies and protests are an important part of promoting social justice. Yet they can also be sites of harassment from police and people who disagree with our messaging. Having marshals trained in de-escalation is essential in limiting violence that could be experienced by our community. As marshals, our role is not to police our own community, but to prevent people/police from harming our community. This workshop will go through basics of marshaling including useful tips, refining skills in de-escalation, security processes, and allow space to discuss/brainstorm/problem solve situations. This will be an interactive workshop and will include opportunities for discussion.
COST: Workshops are offered on a sliding scale of $20, $30 and $50 and scholarships are available to ensure that nobody is turned away due to lack of funds.
***This event is FREE /by donation for-
students from University of Toronto, York University, George Brown College and OCAD University as well as staff and active volunteers of our community partners.
TO REGISTER & communicate any accessibility needs email Katie at coordinatoropirgto – at – gmail – com